FOCUS along with PASSION, DEDICATION, and HARD WORK breeds success!
Bulk Load of ESP 50P

A high energy supplement used in all of ESP Nursery, Lactation and Show Feeds. This product allows us to lower the cost of each ration as we can remove part or all of the high cost energy products like Soy Oil, Choice White Grease and Vegetable Oil. At the same time for every 60 pounds of ESP APCOMP used we can take out 100 pounds of Bean Meal, even more drastically reducing the cost of the ration. ESP ALCOMP is instant ENERGY and pigs absolutely love the taste. We always see added intake, consumption and feed gain when this product is used. It is available in 40 pound pails, 2500 pound totes and to our commercial customers, 50,000 pound tankers.

This starter feed is the mainstay of our commercial feed program. At a 450 pound inclusion per ton, everything the nursery pig needs to accelerate growth is included in the program. Commercially we recommend 20 pounds of this product per pig before moving to the Phase 3 feed. Of course, each situation will be different so that decision will be up to you. THERE IS NOT A BETTER PHASE 2 FEED ON THE MARKET TODAY. This feed is designed for pigs weighing 15-35 pounds.

The Main Event Mixer is the base mix for all of our ESP Show Feeds. It utilizes the highest quality ingredients that drive consumption and intake, allowing your pigs to maximize growth and to reach their full genetic protein. It contains our own high quality premium poultry proteins that pigs just love to eat. Make no mistakes - there is a difference in the quality of ingredients that go into show feeds. A 100 pound inclusion allows you to add your corn, bean meal and energy souce for a top of the line competitive show feed.